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Get chain workflow metrics.



Get chain workflow metrics.


Path Parameters

    chainID stringrequired

    ChainID (Bech32)


A list of all available metrics.

    currentStateIndex int32

    Possible values: >= 1

    Shows current state index of the consensus

    flagBatchProposalSent booleanrequired

    Shows if batch proposal is sent out in current consensus iteration

    flagConsensusBatchKnown booleanrequired

    Shows if consensus on batch is reached and known in current consensus iteration

    flagInProgress booleanrequired

    Shows if consensus algorithm is still not completed in current consensus iteration

    flagStateReceived booleanrequired

    Shows if state output is received in current consensus iteration

    flagTransactionFinalized booleanrequired

    Shows if consensus on transaction is reached in current consensus iteration

    flagTransactionPosted booleanrequired

    Shows if transaction is posted to L1 in current consensus iteration

    flagTransactionSeen booleanrequired

    Shows if L1 reported that it has seen the transaction of current consensus iteration

    flagVMResultSigned booleanrequired

    Shows if virtual machine has returned its results in current consensus iteration

    flagVMStarted booleanrequired

    Shows if virtual machine is started in current consensus iteration

    timeBatchProposalSent date-timerequired

    Shows when batch proposal was last sent out in current consensus iteration

    timeCompleted date-timerequired

    Shows when algorithm was last completed in current consensus iteration

    timeConsensusBatchKnown date-timerequired

    Shows when ACS results of consensus on batch was last received in current consensus iteration

    timeTransactionFinalized date-timerequired

    Shows when algorithm last noted that all the data for consensus on transaction had been received in current consensus iteration

    timeTransactionPosted date-timerequired

    Shows when transaction was last posted to L1 in current consensus iteration

    timeTransactionSeen date-timerequired

    Shows when algorithm last noted that transaction had been seen by L1 in current consensus iteration

    timeVMResultSigned date-timerequired

    Shows when virtual machine results were last received and signed in current consensus iteration

    timeVMStarted date-timerequired

    Shows when virtual machine was last started in current consensus iteration
